ChickeNooga Invitations:
2001 | 2002 | 2003 |
(2001) Dear Friend,
The year was 1999, and the world was reckless. Spinning at an incredible rate, dancing wildly around the sun, the world seemed somehow misplaced. People everywhere groped the sky with nimble fingers for a sign, for some indication that good things were approaching. The search seemed futile. Then, late one spring night, silently, as if by ethereal magic and carbonated lubrication, a fowl presence was hatched: ChickeNooga, ahhh ahhh, savior of the universe.
Meanwhile, the heavens rained down upon the earth, the sun shared its encouraging warmth, and wee little sparrows posited seeds upon the land: collaborating in a mellifluous symphony of lush green grasses to cushion speedy feet and horizontal bodies. A rolling mountain, a small ocean, an encompassing path, and a fabulous arrangement of living creatures descending upon Versailles: There our hero, ChickeNooga, converged and first shared its divine breath and offered humanity the hope for which it so longed.
You are a special person, someone whose nature exudes the rare mixture of love, spirit and passion for life that nourishes our hero’s soul. ChickeNooga requests your presence in Versailles on the weekend of June 9 & 10, 2001. Come together and share the love.
Confirmation of your intention is requested and necessary. To juxtapose yourself securely within the womb of Ultimate fellowship, this is what you must do:
(2002) Dear Friend,
2001 found a humble group of souls gathered intimately in a dark~windowed van. It was love what brought them together and love what kept them together. Others, connected on the same lovelength, traveled from afar by other means, but it was love what brought them together and love what kept them together. Love.
As they all converged aside the grassy knoll beneath the setting orange sun, the love spread forth to encompass the entire universe what was Versailles. They shared with the world their loveNooga what made the world a better place.
For all their concern and temperament, somewhere during that first morning, parts of the game were lost; the plastic simply would not favor our friends. They gave up their all and fought to the end, never rising to the potential they so firmly believed was there, as they possessed the love what would rule the world. Alas, they were not “that team. “ And all was well.
As young Bosco wrestled with the entanglement of femalian legs, he felt the powerful love of the group, and he wished to become as one with ChickeNooga. But, it just could not be! So, he was banished and set forth on his journey to other worldly endeavors, leaving behind him a group swelling in numbers, a mass what would draw forth the enchantment of the evening. Soon, nighttime succumbed to the encroaching daylight as mirth and laughter faded into slumber.
Sunday came early and shone bright with the light what would provide fuel for the growth of ChickeNooga’s love. Intrepid explorers awoke to discover that wonders of the night come at a price… They concerted their efforts to play a game what should have been Ultimate, but what was not. The game was reckless, painful, & short-lived, but the love remained. Even in the midst of pure chaos and guttural upheaval, the love remained. And all was well. For it’s not how you play the game, but how hard you play the night before. The two days were a time in what hearts revel and what sore feets fondly consider sweet.
(2003) Dear Friend,
What with all the conflict & nihilism perverting the
modern-day world, it’s a fine thing to seek the comforting serenity of peace and quiet.
Too bad you won’t find any of that here…
ChickeNooga plans yet again to perturb social sobriety with unmitigated acts of hedonism and debauchery (based on the best of intentions, naturally!). At long last, excitable souls shall collide upon the green green grasses of Versailles and vex the atrocities of mediocrity, thereby allowing ChickeNooga to soar to extraordinary heights where most would lose consciousness due to oxygen deprivation… Poultry Days will prove a psychic trampoline, which will propel ChickeNooga into ethereal, everlasting intoxicatory cereberation.
You are a special person, someone whose nature exudes the rare mixture of love, spirit and passion for life that nourishes humankind. ChickeNooga humbly requests your presence in Versailles on the weekend of June 14 & 15, 2003. Come together, unite, share the love, and bounce bounce bounce upon the psychic trampoline.
Confirmation of your intention is requested and necessary. To juxtapose yourself securely within the womb of Ultimate fellowship, this is what you must do: